Milton Abbas Trust for the Community and Heritage (MATCH)
Registered Charity No. 1062336
MATCH was originally set up to buy the lake at the bottom of the village, but as this bid was not successful it was then felt to be appropriate to purchase Jane's Wood. This was completed on behalf of the Parish Council. The next project was to purchase some land on which a village hall could be built, (The money raised has been deposited in a savings account and is ring fenced for such an activity if the villagers still wish this to go ahead in the future), this remains an objective of MATCH at present. The Trustees look for funding to enable other social activities to go ahead that will benefit villagers. Below are some examples –
Permanent Sub-Groups:
- Woodland Group (Jane's Wood): Ian Maxwell ensures the wood is maintained on behalf of the Milton Abbas Parish Council. The wood is owned by the Parish Council and access is available for all residents of Milton Abbas;
- Computer Café: Jennifer Harrisson. The computer cafe has been running now since 2009 and is held on a Thursday 10am to 1pm. Local inhabitants can be found e-mailing family and friends, getting recipes and buying items on line as well as surfing the net in the safety of the reading room with willing helpers available to help with the occasional mishap that might occur. Admission is free. Hot drinks and cake available.
- The village web-site is maintained by the web master for free. Please send any articles you wish to be included to Jennifer to be included on a Thursday
- Over 50's Community Lunch Club: Jennifer Harrisson: The Lunch Club is still proving popular, with high quality meals being provided at low cost to the diners. This is only made possible by efforts of the dedicated team of village cooks and having access to the refurbished Reading Room kitchen. We recently acquired 5 stars after an inspection by the food safety team. Volunteers to help cook and tidy up are always gratefully received
- Marquee: Jennifer Harrisson/Ian Maxwell: MATCH has bought a marquee for use by villagers. Please contact Jennifer if you wish to borrow the marquee.
Other Activities:
- Sponsorship of The Bulletin: The Bulletin: MATCH sponsors two issues a year.
MATCH Trustees 2020
Chair: Jennifer Harrisson ([email protected])
Vice Chair: Ian Maxwell
Treasurer: Edward Watts
Secretary: Jill Gipp
Trustees: Brian Isherwood, Hayley Bridge, Keith Gipp